Wednesday, 30 May 2012


 Our office will be closed Mon the 4th and Tue the 5th of May for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Weekend.

If you’re placing an order with us and would like to receive it before the weekend, please order today. To order over the phone call 0800 008 6166 by 5pm, or order online at before midnight.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Sun Chlorella ‘A’ – Belly Buster

Dreading taking your shirt off this summer? Sun Chlorella ‘A’ could assist your bloated belly as this natural green algae food supplement contains a range of nutrients to move food through the system more effectively. Chlorella has the highest known concentration of chlorophyll – the green pigment in plants that converts water, air and sunlight into energy. It binds to toxins in your intestines, preventing absorption and eliminating them as waste.

 Chlorella contains a whole host of nutrients, including fibre, which acts as an intestinal ‘broom’ to help move food through your digestive system. It also contains a special component called Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), which stimulates the growth of good bacteria to promote a healthy gut.

Monday, 21 May 2012


Come along to one of our 60 minute product training classes, where
Nadia Brydon will explain the wonderful benefits of using Sun Chlorella in your practice!

Next scheduled training date: 
 Monday 18th June  6.00-7.30pm (6.30 start)


Sun Chlorella London Office

Clerkenwell House

45- 47 Clerkenwell Green



 Nadia Brydon has been involved in Complementary Medicine for over 25 years.  She is currently Senior Therapist at Breast Cancer Haven in London and also runs a private practice, she recently completed her Masters degree in Nutrition.
She teaches healthy eating as a certified Raw and Living Food Chef and Instructor trained in Florida and in California.
She also has qualifications in Western and Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Bowen Technique, Iridology, Manual Lymph Drainage Massage, Homeopathy, Western and Ayurvedic Massage Therapies.

 For enquiries and to reserve your seat for the class please contact us on 0800 008 6166

The talk is free of charge and open to practitioners. Please arrive by 6pm for complimentary tea and biscuits.

The closest Station is Farringdon (3 minutes)

Friday, 18 May 2012

Save the dates

Sun Chlorella Practitioner Seminar 2012

 Our popular and informative annual practitioner seminars are happening later this year!

Please put Monday the 1st of October 2012 for the London seminar in your diary now.

This evening event will be held at the wonderful The Old Sessions House, Clerkenwell Green.

Also, this year for the first time, we will be holding two more events for our practitioners in the North and the South of the country.

Tuesday the 2nd of October we will be at Jury’s Inn Hotel Brighton for a fabulous evening seminar, and Wednesday the 3rd of October we will holding an afternoon seminar in Manchester at the conveniently located The Manchester Conference Centre.

Currently we are putting together the details of these events and will let you know more very soon, but please do not hesitate to register your interest by contacting us on 0800 008 6166.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Special offer..Buy 1500 Sun Chlorella get 300 Sun Eleuthero FREE*

A question that we are often asked is "Can you take Sun Chlorella and Sun Eleuthero together?" Well, we are pleased to tell you that the answer is "yes!"  Chlorella is a whole food that nourishes your body with vitamins and minerals, whilst Sun Eleuthero (Siberian ginseng) is in a class of herbs (adaptogens) that help your body to cope with stress.  The two supplements work together to restore balance.
To make it easy for you to experience the benefits of both products, we are offering a free  box of Sun Eleuthero 300 tablets when you purchase Sun Chlorella 'A' 1500 tablets.

Fatigue, low energy levels and low libido are common reasons people use the two together.  With the stressors of modern day life, a low libido can be something that affects both sexes, so what solution works for him versus her?

           Low libido triggers
            Stress and fatigue
Nutritional deficiencies
Smoking, excess alcohol and drugs
Chronic illness   
Depression — which affects energy and sleep

Booster ideas
 Siberian ginseng
Reduce stress
Take time out for yourself
Exercise to burn off the extra stress hormones
Magnesium helps to ease muscle tension.
Massage is the perfect therapy for stress relief
           Low libido triggers
Hormonal imbalance
Nutritional deficiencies

           Booster ideas
           Siberian ginseng
Magnesium and vitamins C, B5 and B6
Iron supplement
Multivitamin and mineral. If you're concerned about your nutrient status speak  to one of our practitioners
Relaxation with massage or aromatherapy oils

Research suggests that Eleuthero may help maintain healthy blood circulation.  Its reputation for aiding male libido has made it a favourite amongst men in the East, and more recently in the West, as it has also been thought to help stimulate libido in women.

Chlorella nourishes the nervous system with essential fatty acids and all the B vitamins, assisting energy prodution and cognitive function.  There is even research to suggest that chlorella helps to eliminate dioxins and heavy metals from the body which can otherwise have detrimental effects on the nervous system.2

With naturally high levels of magnesium which works as a muscle relaxant, chlorella is known as nature’s tranquiliser. In combination with Sun Eleuthero's stress reucing qualities the two could help you to achieve a restful night's sleep.

Reproductive system
Chlorella provides excellent pre-conception care for a couple, with nutrients including folic acid and essential detoxification properties.  Chlorella can assist in the removal of metals and toxins from the body which are believed to be a reason for infertility in men and women.2  
Many women have noted improvement in PMS symptoms.  There is a theory that this  could be the chlorella alleviating the toxic load on the liver and removing excess hormones from circulation.  However, B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium in chlorella also help to releive tension.

Pregnancy & birth health
Sun Chlorella® ‘A’ has been proven in a study published in the journal Plant Foods for Human Nutrition to reduce the risk of anaemia, as well as proteinuria and oedema - both of which are signs of the potentially dangerous disorder, pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH).2  In addition, Sun Chlorella® ‘A’ has another proven function for new mothers as it has also been shown to benefit the production of healthy, toxin-free breast milk. 7

2 Nakano S,, Maternal-fetal distribution and transfer of dioxins in pregnant women in Japan, and attempts to reduce maternal transfer with Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) supplements, Chemosphere. 2005 Dec;61(9):1244-55.

7 Nakano, S, Takekoshi, H and Nakano, M Chlorella pyrenoidosa Supplementation Reduces the Risk of Anaemia, Proteinuria and Edema in Pregnant Women Plant Foods for Human Nutrition Vol 65 No.1 November 2009.