The seminars
bring together leading experts to assess new research on the benefits of
chlorella for helping to maintain good health.
Eminent and
internationally renowned speaker, Dr. Randall E. Merchant Ph D,
Professor of Anatomy & Neurosurgery at the Virginia Commonwealth
University, USA. will lecture on the latest up-to-date scientific research
involving chlorella.
Natural health
specialist and Senior Therapist at Breast Cancer Haven, Nadia Brydon MSc,
will present insights on using chlorella in her
clinical practice and comment on the positive changes chlorella has had on her
UK patients.
The dates of the seminars are below, but please see the attached Word documents for each events topic, program and location details for the one that interests you.
- London Seminar Monday the 1st of October at The Old Sessions House, Clerkenwell Green.
- Brighton Seminar Tuesday the 2nd of October we will be at Jury's Inn Hotel Brighton.
- Manchester Seminar Wednesday the 3rd of October at The Manchester Conference Centre.
Please call 020 32170330 to book your place.
The seminar cost will be £15*. All attendees will receive a
goody bag including a 300 tablet pack of Sun Chlorella (RRP. £21.95).
look forward to seeing you at one of these events!
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