Greetings all!
The impending festive season brings with it the temptation of rich foods and enjoying an alcoholic drink or two! The British Liver Trust recommends alcohol in moderation and having at least 3 or 4 alcohol free days per week. With this in mind, there are some simple measures you can take for helping to minimise a hangover the following day if one has drunk too much the night before.
Most importantly is to hydrate by drinking plenty of water. In addition, Sun Chlorella ‘A’ has been shown to enhance the detoxification of the liver and the subsequent removal of alcohol from the body. In one study, Professor Fukui of Sapporo Medicinal University reported that even with a fairly large consumption of alcohol, hangovers can be prevented by up to 96% with chlorella.
So let us all remember to enjoy ourselves this winter but remember the old "everything in moderation" rule of thumb!
All the best!
Nadia Brydon
MNIMH, Dip Phyt, MSc, MRCHM, nutritionist and chlorella expert.

The benefits Sun Chlorella ‘A’ were recently acknowledged in a recent issue of the high-profile weekly publication, HELLO! Magazine. The article referenced new research published in the Nutrition Journal which suggested that supplementing with chlorella may help boost the body’s ability to fight infection. Great timing to help boost winter immunity!
As winter’s dark days loom, the Department of Health advises everyone to top-up "sunshine vitamin" levels by taking a daily vitamin D supplement. Sun Chlorella ‘A’ contains 1,320 international units (IU) of vitamin D per daily supply, which significantly helps you reach daily requirements. Different to straight vitamin D supplements or multivitamin supplements, Sun Chlorella ‘A’ is a ‘whole food’ and free from synthetic ingredients, so it is believed to allow the body to maximise its health benefiting properties.

A hectic lifestyle, busy schedule of work deadlines, family commitments, gym visits and maintaining a social life; can all result in making hasty food choices. Support a healthy and varied diet with new Sun Chlorella ‘A’ Granules. Taking them is as easy as DRINK SPINKLE COOK and they come in convenient 3g sachets that are perfect for your purse, gym bag or briefcase.

Blend into your favourite smoothie or fruit juice to upgrade its health benefits - or simply mix with water.

Boost your healthy salads by adding as topping with a selection of nuts and seeds.
Transform dishes such as Asian soups, stews and stir- fries by including Sun Chlorella ‘A’ Granules once served.

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